Egg timers or kitchen timers are commonly used to time how long to boil an egg. Nowadays they are used for all sorts of functions, cooking, but also for example to limit the time kids are playing on their computer games – amongst others. We supply egg and kitchen timer of all sorts
We supply egg timers in all sizes, shapes and colors since 1999 as:
- product miniatures
- company mascots
- corporate brand logos
- designer products
Custom made kitchen timers
We are specialized in suplying bespoke timers from literally any type of material. Read more about our customer made service here.
Your advantages:
* We produce timers exactly to your specifications. In any material (various plastics and metal) and any size and color.
* We add logos by printing and spraying if desired. Since we add the logos during the production process, we are able to use the full product surface for logo applications and are not limited to a small logo area.
* You benefit from buying directly from China without any further intermediary. This ensures you the best pricing while …
* … communicating in English with us and within your own mentality avoids any loss of communication, understanding and time.
* All our timer undergo an extensive quality inspection according to international standards before they are shipped from China.
Minimum quantities depend on the size and shape of the product.
Please feel free to use our product artwork service when developing new timers.
Trust us with you inquiries and orders for directly from China !
Product Inquiry
Please name as many details as available so we can provide you our best offer.
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