Many are surprised to learn that the pedestrian reflector is a Finnish invention. Its father is Arvi Lehti, a farmer from the municipality of Pertteli, who started making triangular reflectors for horse-drawn vehicles from household plastic in the 1950s.
The history of reflectors
In the 1960s, the Mobile Police and the Liikenneturva road safety organization, concerned about pedestrian safety, approached Arvi Lehti. Lehti came up with the idea of gluing two halves of a vehicle reflector together and attaching an eyelet to it – the life-saving idea was born! As demand grew, Finland moved on to making snazzier shapes.
When the autumn evenings get darker, Finns now pull reflectors off the shelf. Few know that this is even required by law. According to the Road Traffic Act, which came into force in 2003, pedestrians must wear a reflector when using a road in the dark.
Reflectors increase safety in road traffic
Wearing a reflector is indeed worthwhile. As estimated by traffic injury commissions, one in four pedestrians killed in an accident at dusk or in the dark would have lived if they had been wearing a reflector.
A pedestrian without a reflector is noticed at a distance of about 40 m when the headlights are on low beam, whereas a pedestrian wearing a reflector is noticed at a distance of 150 m. In this case, the driver is simply left with no choice but to drive. In this case, the car driver simply has much more time to react.
But care should also be taken to ensure that the reflector not only looks good, but also serves its purpose. Type-approved reflectors can be recognized by their CE mark and the code EN 13356, which indicate that the products comply with European standards. The minimum size and personal protection class are defined. The operation of reflectors and retro-reflectors is explained in more detail here.
Reflectors directly from China
We supply reflectors directly from China. There is a large selection of existing shapes and it is also relatively cheap to manafacture special shapes.
We are happy to advise you competently.
Entrust us with your reflector projects.
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